Tuesday, October 12, 2010

My Question - Totally Revised

Dissertation Big Question

What [impact] does the [1-year formal training phase] at [SAFI*] have on the [participation in] and [attitude] of [farmers] [toward] the [FFS**l-type phase]?

[How] does the [1-year formal training phase] at [SAFI] [influence] the [participation in] and [attitude] of [farmers] toward the [Farmer Field School-type phase]?

[How] does the [1-year formal training phase] at [SAFI] [influence] the [participation in] and [attitude] of [farmers] toward the [Farmer Field School-type phase] [compared to farmers in traditional FFS situations]?

How do SAFI farmers' [participation in] and [attitudes toward] the SAFI FFS-type phase compare to [participation] and [attitudes] of non-SAFI farmers in traditional FFS situations?

How do SAFI farmers' [attitudes] and [beliefs] about [agriculture] compare to the [attitudes] and [beliefs] about [agriculture] of non-SAFI farmers in traditional FFS situations?

How do SAFI farmers' [understanding] and [practices] of [agriculture] compare to the [understanding] and [practices] of [agriculture] of non-SAFI farmers in traditional FFS situations?

How do SAFI [alumni's] [understanding] and [practices] of [agriculture] compare to the agricultural [understanding] and [practices] of [alumni] of traditional FFS in [Malawi]?

How do SAFI [participants'] [knowledge], [practices], and [productivity] in [maize farming] compare to maize farmers who have participated in traditional FFS in [Malawi]?

How do SAFI participants' beliefs, knowledge, practices, and productivity relative to maize farming change over time compared to maize farmers who have participated in traditional FFS and to maize farmers who have not participated in extension education in Malawi?

What is the effectiveness of SAFI--in terms of participant beliefs, knowledge, practices and productivity relative to maize farming--compared to traditional FFS and to farming not influenced by extension education in Malawi?

*SAFI = School of Agriculture for Family Independence
**FFS = Farmer Field Schools

Meg Grant Research Question

What does SAFI look like, what do FFS look like and what does traditional smallholder farming look like in Malawi?

How do three models of agricultural education in Malawi (Agriculture Technical Schools, Farmer Field Schools, and traditional apprenticeship) compare?

How do representatives of three models of agricultural education in Malawi--Agriculture Technical School, Farmer Field School, and traditional apprenticeship--compare?

How do Agriculture Technical School, Farmer Field School, and traditional apprenticeship models of agricultural education in Malawi compare?

MEG Grant Research Purpose*

The purpose of this research is to describe and compare three models of agricultural education in Malawi: Agricultural Technical School, Farmer Field School, and traditional apprenticeship.

(*Note - While a research question is appropriate from a positivist perspective, from a post-modernist perspective a research purpose is preferred to a research question. Since Dr. Smith is a postmodernist qualitative researcher, we will be using a research purpose instead of a research question.)

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